Daily habits of a great designer
by Haworth, Inc.
Giulio Cappellini is a Milanese architect and founder of the Cappellini brand. A trendsetter in the world of design, he also curated numerous products for the Haworth Collection™. Cappellini brings his passion for art and design to feature eclectic products that engage emotions. Gravitating toward dynamic, inventive, imaginative, playful designs, Cappellini celebrates the unique talents of up-and-coming international designers. Here’s a peek into a day in the life of this renowned designer.
6:30 a.m. The first thing I do each day is take a long shower, whether I’m at home or traveling. I always dress in a very classic way. I like beige, browns, and blues—I’ve never worn anything black and I don’t wear bright colors.
My typical uniform for the work day is a Brooks Brothers button-down blue shirt, a blue jacket, a beige or blue V-cut cashmere pullover and brown John Lobb shoes. I can never give up on a pochette [pocket handkerchief] in my jacket—I have an extensive collection of them by Hermès. I really like accessories in general, such as belts, wallets, and briefcases, always Hermès. 7:15 a.m. Breakfast is very important to me. I drink black tea with milk, biscuits or bread with jam, orange juice, and have an espresso to finish.
8:00 a.m.
More than two hundred days of the year I am traveling, and I love it! When I am not traveling I go to my office in Meda, the town near Milan, where the Cappellini production is carried out. I like to go to the office early in the morning. I take my car there, since it’s out of town, and I enjoy listening to classical and contemporary music as I drive.
9:30 a.m.
My office is simple and bright. I work on a white desk and I sit on an office chair in blue fabric, both designed by Jasper Morrison. In my office I also have many books and travel souvenirs or gifts from friends. I do not use computers, I really like to write by hand.
11:00 a.m.
I see a lot of people at work during the day and I think I’m quite extroverted, although I often like to be alone, to have time for myself and to think.
1:15 p.m. At lunch I eat very little—maybe a plate of ham and some fruit. The pause is very brief. When I travel I often have lunch or dinners with friends. I always like to try the local cuisine.
2:30 p.m. In the afternoon I like to drink a cup of coffee and eat a piece of dark chocolate, which I love. But I have little time to relax. I relax especially during the weekend, going for walks or skiing in the winter. 4:00 p.m. I return to Milan in the afternoon for appointments. When I’m in the city I love to walk, rather than drive, and when I’m on vacation I almost exclusively ride a bicycle to get places.
7:45 p.m. Dinner is the most important meal because it is the only time of day when my whole family is reunited. I really enjoy being at the table eating a plate of pasta or risotto followed by a second course. This is the only time of day when I can eat in relaxation.
My favorite restaurant is Le Langhe in Milan in Corso Como 6. I feel at home there and they cook the best pasta with tomato sauce in the city. I prefer dinners with a few people in quiet restaurants where you can talk and spend time pleasantly. 9:30 p.m. When I am not traveling, I usually spend my evenings at home. I read thrillers, coming from one of my daughters who has a passion for them, and I like to read magazines or newspapers about design, art, and architecture. I like to touch the paper, I do not use tablets.
Sometimes we go out to hear music. I love to listen to the Opera at La Scala in Milan (Verdi and Rossini). For the contemporary music I really like Bruce Springsteen and Justin Timberlake. I often go to concerts with my wife and my children, like Madonna, Lady Gaga, etc...I am interested in concerts not only to hear the music, but to observe the choreography, videos, and special effects. 11:00 p.m. Normally when I am at home I go to bed quite early, around 11 p.m. Before going to sleep, I drink a glass of water.
While traveling, my habits remain the same. Although I often do the same things each day, it is not true that every day is like another. There is always something new and exciting to discover, and new people and things to know. The important thing for me is to keep a good spiritual relationship with myself and not become a machine!
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