09/04/2024 • 4 min read

The Role of Physical Affordances in Office Design

How design impacts human performance

by Haworth, Inc.

As work schedules and locations continue to evolve, it is essential that workplaces are designed to support employees' needs. Among these needs, physical well-being is key. People can focus on their work more effectively when their environment is comfortable, supportive, and functional. This is where the concept of Physical Affordances comes into play.

What Are Physical Affordances?

Physical Affordances are only part of Haworth's Affordances framework, which aims to help organizations create great spaces that empower people to thrive and work their best—physically, emotionally, and cognitively. 

At its core, a workspace should fulfill the physical requirements of the worker. Specifically, the 3 Physical Affordances are anthropometrics, ambients, and movement. By addressing these factors through thoughtful design, workplaces can create environments where employees are comfortable and empowered to perform effectively and efficiently.

Anthropometrics: Fit in Anywhere

Anthropometrics, derived from the Greek words "anthropos" (human) and "metron" (measurement), focuses on how work products support the physical needs of a wide range of body sizes and mobility levels. To create inclusive workspaces, both functional and static anthropometrics should be considered:

·       Functional Anthropometrics: Measures movement-based abilities to complete tasks, such as reaching, maneuvering, and general mobility. It informs the design of furniture and spatial applications to accommodate a wide range of body sizes and mobility levels. This ensures easy access to task-related movements, such as adjusting monitors or moving furniture.

·       Static Anthropometrics: Measures the body at rest when using objects like chairs and tables. Adjustable furniture, such as task chairs, conference room seating, lounge seating, and desks, is essential for accommodating a wide range of body sizes. Additionally, offering a variety of seating options in each space, such as bi-level tables with stools and chairs, can further enhance inclusivity and comfort.

Ambients: Be Well Surrounded

Ambients are the surrounding sensory aspects of the environment that can significantly influence a worker’s effectiveness. These properties may go unnoticed on a daily basis, but if executed poorly, they can hinder the ability to focus. Imagine trying to complete heads-down work at a noisy restaurant or in a space with a stifling lack of air circulation.

Ambients can vary objectively, but each is perceived on a subjective level. Office facilities personnel should ensure ambient qualities reflect the most commonly desired settings or provide a variety of spaces (e.g., noise-insulated rooms for quiet focus work and open spaces for collaboration) to accommodate the most workers.

Through our research, we recommend focusing on 4 ambients to make the greatest impact in the workplace:

  • Acoustics: Noise is one of the most common complaints in modern offices, particularly in open-plan environments. According to a recent Haworth survey, employees ranked acoustics as the #1 challenge in hybrid work settings. Poor acoustic design can lead to distractions, decreased productivity, and stress. To combat these issues, workplaces must strike a balance between providing quiet areas for focused work and fostering a vibrant atmosphere where collaboration can flourish. Solutions might include sound-absorbing materials, strategically placed partitions, and designated quiet zones.
  • Lighting: Lighting is another crucial element of Physical Affordances. Proper lighting not only enables employees to see their work clearly but also impacts their mood, energy levels, and overall health. Natural light is particularly beneficial, as it has been shown to boost mood and productivity. However, not all workspaces have ample access to natural light. This makes the quality and placement of artificial lighting very important. The goal is to provide appropriate lighting for the tasks at hand—for example, bright and focused for detailed work, soft and warm lighting for relaxation areas.
  • Air Quality: Often taken for granted, air quality is a fundamental component of Physical Affordances. Poor air quality can lead to various health issues, from headaches and fatigue to respiratory problems. In the workplace, ensuring clean, well-circulated air is essential for maintaining the health and productivity of employees. This can be achieved through regular maintenance of HVAC systems, the use of air purifiers, and providing access to outdoor spaces where employees can enjoy fresh air.
  • Thermal Comfort: Beyond air quality, thermal comfort is also an important factor in well-being and performance. Research indicates that task performance tends to decrease as temperatures deviate from about 72⁰ F (22⁰ C).

Simply setting the thermostat to 72⁰ F is not enough, however. Air circulation within spaces is also critical. Have you ever entered an unpleasantly stuffy conference room after a large group has just used it? A good HVAC system circulates fresh air into these spaces to alleviate discomfort and make the room more comfortable.

Movement: Get Up and Go

In addition to providing a comfortable and healthy environment, Physical Affordances should also encourage movement. It is no secret that sitting all day is bad for anyone’s health. Still, it is remarkable how often we find ourselves hunched over and stationary as we squint at our computer screens.

A well-designed office promotes movement by offering a variety of spaces that encourage different postures and activities.

  • Activity-Based Workspaces: Activity-based settings offer a variety of spaces such as individual touchdowns, group conference rooms, lounges, cafés, and lobbies—each designed to support different types of activities. Employees are naturally encouraged to move from space to space throughout the day. This movement benefits physical health and fosters interaction and collaboration, leading to increased creativity and innovation.
  • Proximity: The physical layout of a workspace can also impact the likelihood of face-to-face interactions. Research suggests that proximity to coworkers and the design of shared spaces influence how often employees engage in spontaneous conversations and collaborations. Creating sightlines and pathways encourages interactions, which enhances communication and teamwork.
  • Physiology: Regular exercise cannot fully counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting. Maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the day is essential to optimize health. Office layouts and products that encourage movement and posture changes can help. By incorporating elements that promote standing, walking, and stretching, workplaces can support employee health and well-being.

Physical Affordances are a critical aspect of workplace design that directly impacts employee well-being and performance. By targeting anthropometrics, ambients, and movement through office design, designers can position the physical properties of the space in a way that optimizes human performance.

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