We’ve been adjusting to working at home including new coworkers (spouses, kids, and pets), staying connected to our teams and pivoting our work activities and businesses to virtual and remote working. We’re challenged with homeschooling, grocery shopping and access to essential (and also some non-essential) services. We are enjoying spending time with our families but miss our communities.
Physical distancing norms, health, and safety concerns are an elevated state. How will we find balance between personal interaction, virtual collaboration, and well-being when we return to the workplace?
What does the workplace look like in the short, medium and longer term once we return?
Organizations are seeking to understand what short- and long-term workplace changes to implement—from facility needs, to work rotation and the sequenced return of the workforce. We have identified three critical areas of focus to help you navigate return to the workplace in a COVID-19 environment:
Employee Well-Being – Supporting people’s physical and psychological health to build confidence and enhance performance
Organizational Culture – Understanding and preserving your culture to empower your workforce and leverage your space in new ways
Transforming the Floorplate – Addressing facility requirements, density, and exposure while mitigating risk
Organic Workspace is our perspective and process for understanding the work environment and how people use it. Leveraging our global knowledge, unique design point of view, and product expertise, we have developed best practices to help you balance the needs of your people and space as we navigate returning to the workplace. We start by looking at the entire floorplate—where interaction and collaboration take place—right down to the individual workpoint.
Haworth is ready to help you move forward— with speed, efficiency, and minimized cost.