Produced using state-of-the-art digital knitting machines and custom fiber compositions—based on our specific requirements for strength, durability, and softness—Haworth Digital Knits offer new and unexpected textile possibilities. Removing typical design constraints, knits provide more freedom to create striking, unique pieces with patterns, colors, textures, and performance elements unavailable elsewhere. This also opens the door to future opportunities for creating bespoke pieces through yarn fibers, colors, and stitching.
Haworth Digital Knits are the embodiment of design and innovation—creating workspaces with the residential warmth people are drawn to. Look for more designs and fresh ideas to come, as our scientists, engineers, designers, materials experts, and globally renowned manufacturing partners continue to work together, researching and developing new uses for knitting technology across our range of product lines.
And because Haworth Digital Knits are engineered to exact dimensions, there is no cutting or leftover material, producing perfectly-sized, zero-waste results that support organizational sustainability efforts.
CONTEMPORARY COMFORT The Very task chair’s knit back creates a feeling of remarkable coziness and gives a contemporary look to a popular favorite. Intentional stitching variations create air flow, ergonomic support, and a visually engaging pattern.
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A REFRESHED CLASSIC A textured horizontal knit pattern, designed just for Zody, brings a look of inviting warmth to our best-selling chair. The knit back complements Zody’s proven ergonomic performance with a unique material that provides support, breathability, and comfort for any user.
LUXE COMFORT Our most innovative chair now offers an even more luxurious experience that complements its innovative edgeless design. A lofted-knit back welcomes you with a plush, breathable extra layer of comfort. Quilted with a gradient honeycomb pattern, the design uses an inlaid knitting technique for greater dimension and an elevated, customized look anywhere you want it.