Park Pod

PLN Group

By PLN Group

Park pod is a step up in modular workpods: a statement element that sets the atmosphere of a space. The pod with design inspired by nature.

Park Pod Overview

Park’s shape can be traced to swooping hillscapes, crisscrossing and curving into one another. Inspired by Nature. Connected Working. Separation without Isolation.

    • Along with a 90% wool covering in natural colours Park delivers the wellbeing benefits of biophilic design
    • Lightweight, touch-down workspace using materials with acoustics properties which work to minimize distractions and dampen noise
    • Park Move: Easy to move around the office floor to wherever it’s needed it’s ideal for fast-moving companies used to working on the fly, agile of mind and practise
    • Park Connect: single park or set up as centrepiece to chain another to provide less linear, and more flowing shapes cross the work place


Product Documents

Park Pod Product Sheet